Print Materials


What It Is

Print advertising utilizes newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, in-house advertising, and direct mail pieces.

Today it seems that all we ever hear about is how effective the Internet is as a marketing tool. It’s important, however, to remember that when used properly, print advertising packs a big bang for the buck.

Newspaper and magazine advertising is frequently overlooked, because most print ads are sold by sales people who have little or no marketing experience or know-how. The same can be said for brochure ads, signage ads, and direct mail pieces.

You need properly designed print advertising and materials if you hope to have a remote chance of success. This requires the skillset of a person with a marketing and promotional advertising background.

Brochures and business cards are also invaluable tools that serve as a reminder of your brand and business to your target audience.

Promotional materials such as posters and flyers are simply full-page ads that are made to generate business while establishing your brand as a reputable and recognized leader in your industry.

Are you, or the salesperson who sold you the ad space writing and/or designing your print advertising? If so, the best person for the job is probably not in charge of this important process.

How It Helps You

Print advertising is not outdated! Recent studies have shown that almost 80% of households read or scan advertisements that they receive in the mail. In certain demographics, similar amounts of people read the daily or weekly newspaper. Overall magazine readership may be down, but specialized magazine readership is rising. These important factors, if properly utilized, will result in increased revenues for your business.

Remember, the only thing dead about print advertising is BAD print advertising.

How We Do It

Our first step is to identify your core market demographics. We then factor in data such as your particular product or service, the area in which your potential and current customers reside, the age of these people, and the type of weapons available to you in your print media arsenal.

Once we establish who, what, and how you should use print advertising, we can then decide on a course of action such as how large an ad you should buy, and the number of outlets in which you want to advertise.

A print advertising schedule and budget should then be established. This vital step should NOT be established by the person whose job it is to sell you advertising space.

Finally, we will help you integrate your print advertising into the other portions of your overall marketing strategies. Our marketing consultants will then show you how to best tie your print advertising into the Internet, website, social media, and email marketing modules currently in place.

Once these tactical decisions are in place, we can put our creative team into action, designing a series of print ads that generate revenue and make an impact.

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